Pascal Wolff
Assistant Professor
Ningbo China Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (NISCI)
Personal Profile |
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| Pascal Wolff is an Assistant Professor at the Ningbo (China) Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (NISCI) in MIT’s Global SCALE Network. Before that, he was a Research Associate at the Bosch-Chair of Global Supply Chain Management at Tongji University, China. His previous professional work includes working with BorgWarner Turbo Systems on process optimization and sales planning and Volkswagen Group China on new vehicle projects and production planning. As part of his academic activities, he has conducted various projects with industry. Pascal’s research interests encompass various topics in the fields of operations, logistics, and supply chain management. His current research focuses on the digital transformation of supply chains. In particular, he investigates how data-driven technologies can be leveraged to improve logistics operations. Moreover, he explores the design of smart warehouses. Pascal published his research in international journals such as Omega and presented it at international conferences (INFORMS, POMS). He also serves as a reviewer for journals such as the International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM). Pascal obtained his doctorate double-degree in Supply Chain Management / Management Science and Engineering from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, and Tongji University, China.
Research interests
warehouse operations, freight transportation, supply chain digitalization
Teaching interests
logistics systems, operations and supply chain management, business analytics, management science & operations research